Orla Kenny


Orla Kenny


Orla Kenny graduated from Limerick School of art and design with first class Honours Degree in Fine Art Painting in 1997 She went on to receive a Higher Diploma in Art Education in 1998.

Alice by Orla Kenny 

Her artwork combines painting with photography and digital media. Photography is increasing becoming a core part of her work, both as work in itself and as documentation. Both still and moving photographic media are used. She has exhibited in group shows on a national and international level.

Project by Orla Kenny

Orla is currently Creative Director of Kids Own Publishing Partnership, a child centred arts organization. Kids’ Own work with artists and teachers to support the learning of the child, providing a way of working that empowers young people, developing their individual creative expression, through innovative, good quality arts experiences.

Journey by Orla Kenny

Orla has been involved in symposia and residencies on a national and international level and most recently been accepted to present at the UNESCO World Conference on Art Education in Portugal in March 2006.

Please visit
www.orlakenny.com and www.kidsown.ie

© Sligo County Council Arts Department, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo, Co. Sligo, Ireland tel: +353 (0) 71 911 4465 arts@sligococo.ie
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