Archived News


The Model, 1 of 8 organisations Nationwide to Receive New RAISE Initiative

The Arts Council's RAISE: Building Fundraising Capacity pilot is an initiative that will provide one-to-one professional support to the eight selected arts organisations for two years through planning and implementing a tailored fundraising programme. The pilot project is designed to place the organisations on a stronger financial footing and will mean people around the country will be able to experience more high quality performances, exhibitions, film screenings and other arts events. The initiative came about as a result of a request to the Arts Council from the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan TD.


Income from fundraising by arts organisations inIrelandis less than 3 percent of total income. This is a much lower ratio than in other countries such as Britain or Australia, where arts organisations secure up to a third of their revenue from fundraising. The eight organizations chosen to participate in the initial pilot are the;

Irish Film Institute, the Royal Hibernian Academy Na Piobairi Uilleann, the Galway Arts Festival, The Model Sligo, the National Chamber Choir, Wexford Festival Opera and the Gate Theatre.

As part of the selection process, all demonstrated that they have the ambition, potential and commitment to RAISE more than €250,000 per annum in private investment. Arts Council Director Orlaith McBride said the Council was committed to supporting arts organisations in maximising private investment such as donations from individuals, trusts and foundations as well as corporate philanthropy. More than 60 arts organisations applied to participate in the project, and the final eight organisations went through a rigorous selection process. With the help of the RAISE pilot project we will give them the tools, skills and resources to increase very significantly the investment they get from private sources.

“The Model has worked diligently to receive the RAISE programme. This initiative adds new energy into our future programme and direction. In more challenging times, it is also critical to retain a sense of vision and identity, and The Model may do so with the strength of the RAISE initiative. The Model is one of only eight organisations in the country to receive this new initiative, and feels that our hard work has paid off in this capacity. Our vision is to continue delivering one of Ireland's most admired arts programmes, focusing on contemporary art, our collection and the work of Jack B. Yeats, our education programming, publishing, and our cinema, music and artist residency programmes." Seamus Kealy. Director.


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© Sligo County Council Arts Department, County Hall, Riverside, Sligo, Co. Sligo, Ireland tel: +353 (0) 71 911 1111