Yeats Day 13th June 2012
Yeats Day
Wednesday 13th June 2012
A Dawn to Dusk Celebration of WB Yeats Birthday in Sligo
Free Events
Sligo is developing a Season of Yeats, commencing on June 13th, W. B. Yeats birthday, and concluding with Tread Softly…, a 10 day festival running alongside and complementing the Yeats International Summer School, focusing on the connections between Sligo and Yeats through a programme of music, exhibitions and spoken word performances.
Yeats Day at the Hawk’s Well Theatre
Yeats and the Abbey in his own words
1pm and 7pm Hawk’s Well Theatre, Temple Street, Sligo
Free Event
The Abbey Theatre travels to the Hawk’s Well, Temple Street, to celebrate this birthday and, in Yeats’ own words, provide insight into Yeats’ involvement in the foundation of Ireland’s National Theatre, the Abbey Theatre.
Download Yeats Day Brochure (PDF) - 639 kbs
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