This implementation plan is developed in response to a requirement for each local authority under the Sectoral Plan published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and approved by the Oireachtas in November 2006 and the LGMSB Guidelines “Implementation of Disability Act 2005 – Guidance Framework”. The purpose of the implementation planning process is to promote and pro-actively encourage equal opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in the economic, social and cultural life of the community. The local government sector is collectively responsible for annual expenditure in excess of 5% of GDP and the delivery by the sector of a better service to people with disabilities is of particular importance.
Resulting from the Barcelona Declaration 1995, which supports the rights of disabled people to participate as equal citizens, Sligo Local Authorities are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. The Local Authorities have declared their intent to carry out business according to the principals of the Barcelona Declaration.
Sligo Local Authorities recognise the importance of delivering on the Disability Act 2005 for persons with disabilities to participate in the economic, social and cultural life of the community in County Sligo. Sligo Local Authorities have therefore fully committed to the development of this Implementation Plan from 2008 to 2015.
1.1 Principals of the Barcelona Declaration are:
- Promote disability awareness and ensure the rights of people with disabilities to be different and their right to receive personal attention
- Develop policies and an equality/disability proof decision-making process
- Develop a consultation process for disability proofing
- Provide people with disabilities access to the social and physical environments as well as services
- Provide training programmes dealing with equality/disability issues
- Develop monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment procedures for actions, projects and policies regarding equality/disability issues.
1.2 Local Authority Requirements under the Sectoral Plan
Through the Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act 2005 issued in December 2006 by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, each Local Authority is required to undertake a number of actions including:
- Within three months of completing the accessibility audit, draw up an implementation plan setting out a programme (including dates) to implement the commitments and objectives contained in the Disability Act 2005 and in the sectoral plan. The implementation plan will be published by each local authority – including making it available on its website. A copy of the implementation plan will be sent to the Department. (Paragraph 4.3.1 of the Sectoral Plan)
- In drawing up their implementation plans, local authorities will have regard to the funding and staffing resources available to them for implementation. Priority will be given to local authority buildings and other facilities to which access is most frequently required as well as accessible public footpaths streets and crossings in urban areas. The plans will set out targets and timeframes for carrying out these works to reflect local priorities. (4.3.2)
- Local authorities will consult with organisations representing persons with disabilities when carrying out their accessibility audits and when drawing up their implementation plans. (4.5.1)
- In carrying out accessibility audits and developing implementation plans, local authorities will review the need for new or improved footpaths, traffic light crossings, wheelchair accessible bus stops and car parking for disabled users in the towns and villages throughout their areas. Local authorities will, in consultation with the relevant transport authorities ensure the relevant actions are taken to improve the interface between public roads provision and passenger transport services. (4.19.2)
- In drawing up their implementation plans, local authorities will prepare detailed costings of the various actions required to meet their objectives. Implementation of all of the actions in the Disability Act 2005 and in this sectoral plan will take account of the level of resources available. (6.1.3)
- Each local authority will involve people with disabilities in relation to the monitoring and review of its implementation plan, either through adjustment of existing representative structures or the establishment of new locally devised participation structures for this purpose. Local authorities will review and update their implementation plans and monitoring arrangements as necessary every three years, having regard to progress achieved, current priorities and resources and the balance of works to be completed up to 2015. (6.2.3)
- Each local authority will prepare a yearly progress report on its performance in relation to delivery of actions, targets and timeframes set out in its Implementation Plan and include it in its draft Annual Report for adoption by Council’s elected members. (6.2.5)
- Roles and functions under the Disability Act 2005 and Implementation Plan to be assigned to specified teams, groups and staff in each city and county area by end 2006.
Sligo Local Authorities are working on all aspects of our requirements in relation to the development and execution of the Implementation of the Disability Act 2005. Please see outlined in more detail in the remainder of this document the steps Sligo Local Authorities are taking and plan to take in relation to this matter.