Unravelling Developments - Public Art Commissioned by Sligo Borough and County Councils 2004 – 2010(PDF)
- 2,702 kbs
10 Years of Public Art in Sligo, 1997-2007, exhibition catalogue, 2007 (PDF)
- 350 kbs
Unravelling Developments, commission series launch brochure (PDF)
- 627 kbs
Art Best Placed, Sligo Local Authorities Public Art Plan, 2004-2006 (PDF)
- 237 kbs
Lines\Plane : Larus\Cygnus by Donald Urquhart catalogue
- 2,510 kbs
A report by the Public Art Strategy Group on the future application of the Per Cent for Art Scheme by the Sligo Local Authorities, 2002 (PDF)
- 131 kbs
A report on the Evaluation of the pilot public art programme, Placing Art by the Public Art Steering Group, 2002 (PDF)
- 220 kbs
Placing Art, A Colloquium on Public Art in Rural, Coastal and Small Urban Environments, the key note papers, 2002 (PDF)
- 5,251 kbs
Placing Art, the pilot public art programme launch booklet, 2000 (PDF)
- 10,067 kbs
Placing Art, pilot programme catalogue, 2000 (PDF)
- 5,623 kbs
© Sligo County Council Arts Department, City Hall, Quay Street, Sligo, Co. Sligo, Ireland tel: +353 (0) 71 911 4465 arts@sligococo.ie |